Baby Safety involves Safety in the home for babies, recognising poisonous substances and plants as well as Poison treatments and rules for safety in swimming pools and swimming pool covers




Safety List

Place a list of emergency phone numbers near each phone in your home

Poisons : Click here for Poison Chart and Treatments

Remember to put the following out of reach, and under lock and key. Also remember that many places you might visit, will not have the same safety precautions in place, so although you might not be using these medicines, Granny, for example, might!

You will be amazed and horrified as to what babies and toddlers will put in their mouths, and swallow!


All medicines, especially

  • Blood Pressure Pills
  • Headache remedies, even over-the-counter brands
  • Wafarin and aspirin
  • Birth control pills
  • All pediatric medicines such as cough mixture, pain and fever mixtures
  • Vitamin Pills - especially Vit A which can cause liver damage
  • Fluoride tablets


Detergents and other cleaning agents

  • House Bleach
  • Ammonia products
  • Window Cleaners
  • Fabric Softeners
  • Drain cleaners
  • Oven cleaners
  • Dishwashing liquids and powders
  • Rat Bait
  • Toilet Cleaner
  • Methylated Spirits
  • Mouthwash
  • Perfumes,


Beauty Aids

  • Hair dye and colourants
  • Peroxide
  • Acetone and nail varnish remover
  • Hair perms
  • Hair straighteners
  • Sharp Objects such as
    • nail scissors
    • tweezers
    • nail files


Home repairs

  • All tools such as saws, screwdrivers, hammers
  • nails, bolts, nuts and and screws - any small objects that can cause choking
  • Paint thinners
  • Wire and cords
  • Plastic bags
  • Open buckets containing liquids

Electrical Fittings

  • Wall Plugs - buy fittings that cover all wall plugs, even those above standing height. Children climb on chairs and tables to reach them !!!
  • Beware toddlers reaching up to grab boiling pots and pans on the stove
  • Don't leave Appliances Out
  • Make sure appliances are not near the edges of work surfaces in the kitchen or that iron flexes aren't left dangling over the edge of the ironing board.
  • Remove the batteries from appliances between use if it isn't used that often - batteries are poisonous

General Home Safety




Swimming Pools

It goes without saying that this is one of the most dangerous areas in your home. Avoid tragedy by

  • installing a safety net from a reputable company
  • ensure that the pool is protected at all times by keeping the net on when the pool is not in use.
  • teach children from an early age not to :
    • run around the perimeter of the pool - there are always wet slippery areas where children can fall and hurt themselves badly
    • dive into the pool unless there is supervision. A child will often dive into the shallow end of the pool and hit his head on the bottom
    • dive bomb other people (especially other children) in the pool
  • child proof your children from the earliest age possible
  • do not depend on water wings or other flotation devices to keep a child from drowning
  • Install a fence at least 4 feet high around all 4 sides of the pool.
  • Remove all toys from the pool after use so children aren't tempted to reach for them.
  • After the children are done swimming, secure the pool so they can't get back into it.
  • Remember, teaching your child how to swim DOES NOT mean your child is safe in water.

Young children are especially vulnerable — they can drown in less than 2 inches (6 centimeters) of water. That means drowning can happen where you'd least expect it. Always watch children closely when they're in or near any water

  • the sink
  • the toilet bowl
  • fountains
  • buckets
  • inflatable pools
  • small bodies of standing water around your home, such as ditches filled with rainwater.

ENSURE THAT EVERY ONE IN YOUR FAMILY, including children old enough to understand, know how to apply CPR











  • Secure kitchen cupboardswith a childproof lock to ensure they cannot reach knives, forks, scissors, and other sharp utensils
  • Install a dishwasher lock so toddlers can't reach breakable dishes, knives, and other dangerous objects, or even climb inside and get trapped.
  • Turn all pot handles on the stove inward where toddlers cannot reach them
  • Unplug all appliances when not in use and ensure that cords are out of reach
  • Store matches and lighters in a locked cabinet?
  • Do not place cleaning supplies, bug sprays, dishwasher detergent, and dishwashing liquids in a cupboard without a child lock
  • Store alcohol out of reach
  • Store all plastic garbage bags and sandwich bags out of reach.
  • Have a working fire extinguisher
  • Keep toilet lids closed
  • Position televisions, computers, and stereo equipment against walls


Poisonous Plants





  • This plant is common in plant nurseries, many offices and homes.ingestion produces the irritation and inflammation of gastric mucous and it can damage the kidneys, the arteries, or the stomach of those who eat it.
  • It can produce dermatitis with reddening , itchiness or burning.
  • Its contact with the eyes produces irritation and transitory lost of vision. When its juice is ingested, it can produce vomitIng, diarrhea and inflammation of the digestive tract, especially in the mouth, the throat and the lips.
  • A big ingestion of the plant can end up producing breathing difficulty.


Nerium oleander (Oleander)

  • Oleander poisoning occurs when someone sucks nectar from the flowers or chews leaves from the oleander or yellow oleander plant.
  • Poisoning can also happen if you eat honey made by bees that used the oleander plant for nectar.





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Visit the following pages


Getting pregnant


Being pregnant






Foetal Development


Baby Development



Check yout baby's safety at home.






Household safety tips


Poisoning Management Chart


Poisonous Plants in your garden



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